HC Deb 12 March 1924 vol 170 cc2354-5W

asked the Minister of Health what was the total number of inhabited houses in England and Wales, respectively, in 1921; and what is the number of inhabited houses built in each of these two countries since the 1921 census up to the end of 1923?


According to the 1921 census, the total numbers of structurally separate dwellings occupied by private families, including those temporarily vacant on the census day, were 7,450,405 in England and 528,249 in Wales and Monmouth. The number of houses erected with State assistance since the date of the census to the end of 1923 was:

England 152,715
Wales and Monmouth 11,318
Complete information is not available as to the number of houses erected during the period in question without State assistance, but according to returns obtained in March and September last year (the former of which did not cover rural districts outside the Metropolitan Police District) 41,533 houses in England and 2,188 in Wales and Monmouth were completed by private enterprise during the year ended 30th September, 1923.

Viscountess ASTOR

asked the Minister of Health how many houses had been completed by local authorities and private enterprise, respectively, under the Housing Act, 1923, up to 1st February last?


Up to the 1st February last the numbers of houses completed by local authorities and private enterprise under the Housing, Etc., Act, 1923, were 2,511 and 2,169 respectively.


asked the Minister of Health whether schemes are still being put forward under the proposals of the Housing Act, 1922; the number of subsidy grants sanctioned in each week since 1st January this year; and if local authorities have been advised by his Department in respect of proceeding under the old proposals or awaiting the new?


Schemes for the provision of houses under the Housing Act, 1923, are still being put forward by local authorities and approved by my Department; I am not advising local authorities that they should await the introduction of new housing proposals. The numbers of houses in schemes authorised by my Department under the Housing Act, 1923, in each week since the 1st January are as follow:

Week ending—
9th January 4,474
16th January 2,300
23rd January 2,252
30th January 1,653
6th February 2,634
13th February 2,327
20th February 3,767
27th February 4,077
5th March 3,229

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