Mr. E. HARVEYasked the Minister of Labour if he would be prepared to grant a Return showing what countries have ratified the Convention of the Washington International Labour Conference, giving details as to modifications which may have been adopted by particular countries; and what countries have ratified the Geneva Convention of 1921 concerning the prohibition of white lead in interior painting, with any details of modifications adopted by particular countries?
LIST OF FORMAL RATIFICATIONS, DEPOSITED WITH THE SECRETARY-GENERAL OF THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS, OF DRAFT CONVENTIONS ADOPTED BY THE INTERNATIONAL LABOUR CONFERENCE. (A) First Session (Washington, 1919). Abridged title of Convention. Ratifications and date of registration. 1. Hours of work in Industrial undertakings. Bulgaria, 14th February, 1922. Czechslovakia, 24th August, 1921. Greece, 19th November, 1920. India, 14th July, 1921. Roumania, 13th June, 1921. 2. Unemployment … … … … Bulgaria, 14th February, 1922. Denmark, 13th October, 1921. Esthonia, 20th December, 1922. Finland, 19th October, 1921. Great Britain, 14th July, 1921. Greece, 19th November, 1920. India, 14th July, 1921. Italy, 10th April, 1923. Japan, 23rd November, 1922. Norway, 23rd November, 1921. Roumania, 13th June, 1921. Spain, 4th July, 1923. Sweden, 27th September, 1921. Switzerland, 9th October, 1922.
§ Mr. SHAWI am circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT a statement prepared by the International Labour Office, showing the countries which have ratified the draft conventions adopted by all the International Labour Conferences. It may be assumed, unless there is definite legislative provision to the contrary, that the law of a country, which has formally deposited its ratification of a draft convention is in, or will be brought into, accordance with the terms of that convention without modifications—subject always to the interpretation placed upon it by national law or administration. In the case of some conventions, provision is made for the special conditions of particular countries in the conventions themselves. I may add, with particular reference to the Convention on hours of work in industrial undertakings, that since the Armistice eight-hour-day laws of varying scope have been enacted in France, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Czechslovak Republic, Luxemburg, Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Jugoslavia, Latvia, various South American States, Italy, and British Columbia (contingently).
Following is the statement referred to:
Abridged title of Convention. Ratifications and date of registration. 3. Employment of women before and after childbirth. Bulgaria, 14th February, 1922. Greece, 19th November, 1920. Roumania, 13th June, 1921. Spain, 4th July, 1923. 4. Night work (women) … … … Bulgaria, 14th February, 1922. Czechslovakia, 24th August, 1921. Esthonia, 20th December, 1922. Great Britain, 14th July, 1921. Greece, 19th November, 1920. India, 14th July, 1921. Italy, 10th April, 1923. Netherlands, 4th September, 1922. Roumania, 13th June, 1921. South Africa, 1st November, 1921. Switzerland, 9th October, 1922. 5. Minimum age for admission of children to industrial employment. Bulgaria, 14th February, 1922. Czechslovakia, 24th August, 1921. Denmark, 4th January, 1923. Esthonia, 20th December, 1922. Great Britain, 14th July, 1921. Greece, 19th November, 1920. Roumania, 13th June, 1921. Switzerland, 9th October, 1922. 6. Night work (young persons) … … Bulgaria, 14th February, 1922. Denmark, 4th January, 1923. Esthonia, 20th December, 1922. Great Britain, 14th July, 1921. Greece, 19th November, 1920. India, 14th July, 1921. Italy, 10th April, 1923. Roumania, 13th June, 1921. Switzerland, 9th October, 1922. 1650W 1651W
(B) Second Session (Genoa, 1920). Abridged title of Convention. Ratifications and date of registration. 1. Minimum age for admission of children to employment at sea. Bulgaria, 16th March, 1923. Esthonia, 3rd March, 1923. Great Britain, 14th July, 1921. Roumania, 8th May, 1922. Sweden, 27th September, 1921. 2. Unemployment indemnity in case of loss or foundering of ship. Bulgaria, 16th March, 1923. Esthonia, 3rd March, 1923. 3. Establishment of facilities for finding Employment for Seamen. Bulgaria, 16th March, 1923. Esthonia, 3rd March, 1923. Finland, 7th October, 1922. Japan, 23rd November, 1922. Norway, 23rd November, 1921. Sweden, 27th September, 1921.
(C) Third Session (Geneva, 1921.) Abridged title of Convention. Ratifications and date of registration. 1. Age of admission of children to employment in agriculture. Czechslovakia, 31st August, 1923. Esthonia, 8th September, 1922. Japan, 19th December, 1923. Sweden, 27th November, 1923. 2. Eights of Association (agriculture) … Czechslovakia, 31st August, 1923. Esthonia, 8th September, 1922. Finland, 19th June, 1923. Great Britain, 6th August, 1923. India, 11th May, 1923. Sweden, 27th November, 1923. 3. Workmen's compensation (agriculture). Denmark, 26th February, 1923. Esthonia, 8th September, 1922. Great Britain, 6th August, 1923. Sweden, 27th November, 1923. 4. Use of white lead in painting … … Czechslovakia, 31st August, 1923. Esthonia, 8th September, 1922. Sweden, 27th November, 1923. 5. Weekly rest (industry) … … … Czechslovakia, 31st August, 1923. Finland, 19th June, 1923. India, 11th May, 1923. Roumania, 18th August, 1923. Esthonia, 29th November, 1923. 6. Minimum age for trimmers and stokers. Esthonia, 8th September, 1922. India, 20th November. 1922. Roumania, 18th August, 1923. 7. Compulsory medical examination of children and young persons employed at sea. Esthonia, 8th September, 1922. India, 20th November, 1922. Roumania, 18th August, 1923.