HC Deb 05 March 1924 vol 170 cc1422-3W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty the number of men in employment in the Royal Dockyards of Devonport, Portsmouth, Chatham, Pembroke and Rosyth, respectively, in each of the years 1906 to 1918, inclusive, and for each quarter of each of the succeeding years to December, 1923?


The numbers are as follow:—

Dockyards. 1917. April. 1918. April. 1919. 5th April. 1919. 5th July. 1919. 4th Oct. 1920. 3rd Jan. 1920. 10th April. 1920. 10th July. 1920. 9th Oct. 1921. 8th Jan. 1921. 9th April.
Portsmouth 14,670 16,576 16,949 16,971 16,979 16,382 16,164 15,691 15,599 15,446 16,679
Devonport 13,974 15,803 15,837 15,289 15,219 13,950 13,631 13,174 13,059 12,981 14,089
Chatham 11,019 11,494 12,278 11,640 11,486 11,194 10,778 10,221 10,130 10,000 10,574
Pembroke Dk. 3,320 3,479 3,308 3,235 3,203 3,067 2,968 2,775 2,670 2,638 2,880
Rosyth 5,281 6 687 6,373 6,151 5,872 5,747 5,779 5,573 5,509 5,379 5,604
Dockyards. 1921. 9th July. 1921. 8th Oct. 1922. 7th Jan. 1922. 8th April. 1922. 8th July. 1922. 7th Oct. 1923. 6th Jan. 1923. 7th April. 1923. 7th July. 1923. 6th Oct. 1924. 5th Jan.
Portsmouth 15,687 15,101 14,461 13,561 11,637 11,327 111,566 11,170 11,129 11,108 12,151
Devonport 13,292 13,207 12,770 12,043 11,143 10,892 11,044 10,841 10,736 10,660 11,426
Chatham 9,662 9,662 9,557 9,316 8,965 8,816 8,856 8,619 8,548 8,527 9,142
Pembroke Dk. 2,472 2,319 2,050 1,876 1,570 1,313 1,348 1,236 1,220 1,206 1,324
Rosyth 5,087 4,961 4,811 3,309 2,548 2,505 2,624 2,588 2,476 2,477 2,612