HC Deb 03 March 1924 vol 170 cc1000-2W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour whether any discussion has taken place at Geneva, at the International Labour Bureau, as to the adoption of British trade union conditions by other countries; and whether she can state the names of the countries in the world enforcing unemployment insurance, workmen's compensation, and national health insurance?


The adoption of British trade union conditions by other countries has not been proposed as an item for consideration by the International Labour Conference, although that Conference and the Governing Body of the International Labour Office have frequently considered, and in some cases adopted, proposals which are in accordance with such conditions. If my hon. Friend would care to inform me of any suggestions which he may have to make in this connection I should be pleased to consider them. So far as I am able to ascertain from information supplied by the International Labour Office and other sources, the attached statement shows the countries in which there exist at the present time statutory schemes of workmen's compensation for accidents, health insurance and unemployment insurance. The hon. Member

STATUTORY Schemes of Workmen's (Accident) Compensation, Unemployment Insurance and Health Insurance, existing in various countries.
NOTE.—Columns 2 and 3 of the Statement coverall schemes of Insurance (whether compulsory or voluntary, contributory or non-contributory) involving monetary assistance from public funds.
(1) Workmen's Compensation. (2) Unemployment Insurance. (3) Health Insurance.
Argentine Yes
Austria Yes (a) Yes (a) Yes.
Australia Yes (e) Yes
Belgium Yes (b) Yes (h) Yes.
Bulgaria Yes (a) Yes.
Canada Yes
Chili Yes
Czechoslovakia Yes (b) Yes. (a) Yes.
Denmark Yes (b) Yes (c) Yes.
Esthonia (a) Yes.
Finland Yes (b) Yes (c) Yes.
France Yes (b) Yes (i) Yes.
Germany Yes (a) Yes (a) Yes.
Great Britain Yes (a) Yes (a) Yes.
Greece Yes (a) Yes.
Holland Yes (b) Yes (j) Yes.
Hungary Yes (a) Yes.
India Yes
Irish Free State Yes (a) Yes (a) Yes.
Italy Yes (a) Yes (k) Yes.
Japan Yes (a) Yes
Latvia Yes (a) Yes.
Luxemburg Yes (a) Yes (a) Yes.
Norway Yes (b) Yes (a) Yes.
Poland Yes (a) Yes.
New Zealand Yes
Portugal Yes (a) Yes
Rumania Yes (a) Yes.
Russia (d) Yes (d) Yes (d) Yes.
Serbs, Croats and Slovenes Yes (a) Yes.
South Africa Yes
Spain Yes (b) Yes (c) Yes.
Sweden Yes (f) Yes (c) Yes.
Switzerland Yes (g) Yes (c) Yes.
United States of America Yes
Uruguay Yes
(a) Compulsory.
(b) Subsidies from public funds to trade and other unemployment insurance societies.
(c) Voluntary.
(d) It is doubtful whether social legislation is applied in Russia to any but a very limited extent.
(e) Compulsory, Queensland only.
(f) A purely donationul system.
(g) Unemployment donation paid, cost borne by State, cantons and communes and employers. In some cantons subsidies are also paid to unemployment insurance funds.
(h) Voluntary. Compulsory for seamen.
(i) Voluntary. Compulsory for miners.
(j) Voluntary. A compulsory Act of 1913 has, apparently, never been enforced.
(k) Voluntary, except in the "redeemed provinces," where the compulsory system set up under the Austrian régime is still in force.

will understand that, as regards the extent to which the entire wage-earning population is covered by the various schemes, there is considerable disparity between country and country.

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