HC Deb 03 March 1924 vol 170 cc1010-1W

asked the Secretary for Mines how many persons are employed on duties of inspection under the Mines Department, and at what annual cost, classified in each case according to the purpose of inspection?


The number of inspectors at present employed by the Mines Department and their annual cost are given below:


asked the Secretary for Mines whether his attention has been drawn to the large increase in the number of fatal accidents in the mining industry of this country, particularly South Wales, during the past year as compared with the three preceding years; whether any reason can be given for this increase; and is he now prepared to recommend the appointment of additional inspectors for the mining industry?


The increase last year in the number of fatal accidents at mines has caused me—as I am sure it has caused all those responsible for the safety of those engaged in the industry—serious concern. The total increase of 186 on the figures of 1922 is mainly due to a larger number of haulage accidents (312 in 1923, as compared with 211 in 1922) and to two irruptions of water, in which 48 persons lost their lives. In my reply to the hon. Member for Spennymoor (Mr. Batey) on 18th February I indicated some of the special steps being taken to promote safety in mines. One of these is an increase in the inspectorate.