HC Deb 26 June 1924 vol 175 cc627-9W

asked the Minister of Health whether any circular has been sent to rural district councils, or any other inquiry has been made, in order to ascertain the present housing needs of the rural parishes; and, if so, will he make it available to Members of this House?


The numbers of houses built by direct labour during the years in question are as follow:

1919 56
1920 48
1921 1,169
1922 1,428
1923 1,893
As regards the second part, of the question, the following statement was submitted to the Public Accounts Committee in 1923 showing the average cost per house under building schemes carried out by the Office of Works by direct labour as compared with similar schemes carried out for local authorities under contract in the same area and during approximately the same period.


According to the Reports niacin by rural district councils in 1919, 83,659 houses were required during the subsequent three years in rural districts to meet unsatisfied demands and 66,761 to replace unsatisfactory houses. Since that date 56,618 houses have been erected in rural districts with State assistance and a further 11,907 are in course of construction. In addition, 22,425 houses were erected by private enterprise without State aid during the year ended 31st March last and a further 11,288 were in course of construction at that date.


also asked the Minister the number of houses to the acre it is proposed to build in agricultural parishes under the Housing (Financial Provisions) Bill?


The matter is primarily one for the local authorities. Under the Housing Acts a cottage provided by a local authority may include a garden of not more than one acre. The general advice given by my Department is that in agricultural areas houses should not, unless there are special circumstances, be built at more than eight to the acre.


further asked the Minister of Health whether any estimate has been made as to the number of villages in rural district council areas which will not be entitled to the enlarged subsidy under the Housing (Financial Provisions) Bill as agricultural parishes; and, if so, what the number is?


It is estimated that roughly one-third of the parishes in rural district council areas will not be treated as agricultural parishes for the purpose of the increased subsidy under the proposals in the Housing Bill.