HC Deb 25 June 1924 vol 175 cc457-8W

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that executive officers of the mercantile marine may pass Board of Trade standards even if blind of one eye; and, in view of the fact that such a state of things is not consistent with safe navigation, and that Germany and other competing nations have a superior physical standard in this matter, whether he will have inquiry made into the matter?


Very careful consideration was given, some years ago, to the question whether the Board of Trade sight tests should lay down a standard for each eye, or should allow the standard of form vision required to be reached by a candidate using both eyes together, or either eye separately, at the option of the candidate. The present rule gives this option to the candidate, and accordingly it is possible, as suggested in the question, that a candidate may pass the Board of Trade sight tests even if blind in one eye. I am not aware that any serious consequences have resulted from the present rule, which has been in force since 1912, but if the hon. Member will communicate to me any evidence suggesting that the present rule has had serious consequences, I am prepared to reconsider the general question.

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