HC Deb 18 June 1924 vol 174 cc2145-6W
Captain ELLIOT

asked the Minister of Health how many houses are at present under construction by local authorities under the Housing Acts, 1910–1923, and slum clearance schemes, respectively; and for how many have schemes been approved under these respective heads on which work has not yet commenced?


The position of local authorities' housing schemes under the Housing Acts of 1919 and 1923 on the 1st June was as follows:

Housing Acts of—
1919. 1923. Total.
Number of houses under construction. 2,931 12,752 15,683
Number of houses in approved schemes not yet commenced. 305 30,900 31,205
As regards slum clearances, schemes have been approved which will involve the provision of approximately 5,894 houses; tenders have been approved covering 1,090 houses.