HC Deb 03 June 1924 vol 174 cc1094-7W

asked the Secretary of State for War the monthly cost of maintenance of the British Army on the Rhine; whether this cost is being defrayed by Germany; and, if not, under what estimate it figures in the expenditure of his Department?


The estimated monthly cost of the British Army of the Rhine during 1924–25 is £140,000, exclusive of accommodation and miscellaneous services provided free by Germany. As explained by my hon. Friend the Financial Secretary to the Treasury in reply to the hon. Member for Batley and Morley (Mr. Turner) on 19th May, Germany's payments in respect of the Armies of Occupation are limited by an Inter-Allied Agreement. The amount estimated to be received in 1924–25 on account of the British Force is £1,250,000. The cost of the Force and the receipts from Germany are included in Army Estimates 1924–25, on pages 35 and 214 respectively.

Lieut.-Colonel MEYLER

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will furnish a Return of the officers employed on legal duties with the Army of the Rhine, showing the order of seniority and how each is graded for pay, the duties on which employed, their legal qualifications (if any), other special qualifications for their particular duties, the commissions on which they are serving and particulars of, any temporary rank now held, and what legal appointments in the Army have been held by these officers previously?


The information asked for is as follows:

Officers Employed on Legal Duties with the Army of the Rhine.
Rank and Name. Date of present rank (seniority). How graded for pay. Duties on which employed. Legal or other special qualifications for their particular duties. Commissions on which they are serving. Particulars of any temporary rank now held. What legal appointments in the Army previously held.
Temporary Lieutenant (Temporary Major). H. Gatehouse, O.B E., General List. 1-5-19 Glass B.B. Summary Court Officer. Barrister Temporary Commission (General List) as Lieutenant, 1–7–17. Temporary Major. Courts Martial Officer, France since 1917.
Major Sir D. Lawson, Bt., Yorkshire Hussars Yeomanry. 7–1–20 Class B.B. Summary Court Officer. Justice of the Peace. German Scholar. Knowledge of German Law. Territorial Temporary Major in the Army. Not known
Temporary Lieutenant (Temporary Major) R. C. Carrington, Service Battalion., South Wales Borderers. 15–7–23 Class B.B. Deputy Judge Advocate General. Barrister, 1910 Temporary Commission (Service Battalion New Armies) as Lieutenant, 1–7–17 Temporary Major. Courts Martial duties since 1917. Courts Martial Officer, 1921.
Captain N. H. B. Lyon, M.C., Middlesex Regiment. 6–2–15 Regimental pay, plus 2s. per day. Courts Martial Officer. Experience in the preparation of Courts Martial whilst an Adjutant. Regular Nil.
Lieutenant (Temporary Captain) P.Stephenson, 6th Battalion, Sherwood Foresters. 13–1–19 Regimental pay, plus 2s. per day. Courts Martial Officer in connection with Summary Courts. Experience of work and knowledge of local conditions. Territorial Lieutenant, 9–1–18. Temporary Captain. Not known.
Lieutenant N. Parkes, Northamptonshire Regiment. 1–7–17 Regimental pay, plus 2s. per day. Courts Martial Officer. Courts Martial Officer, previously for two years. Barrister, 1921. Regular Courts Martial Officer.

Lieut.-Colonel MEYLER

asked the Secretary of State for War whether the law administered in the Summary Courts held by the military authorities with the Army of Occupation in Germany is based on the civil law of that country or on orders made from time to time by the military commander; and in what language are the proceedings of these Courts conducted?


The law administered by the Summary Courts is British military law, modified or supplemented when necessary by ordinances of the Rhineland High Commission. It is, however, open to the Summary Courts to hand persons over to the German civil Courts, where the ordinary German civil law prevails. The languages of the presiding officer and of persons concerned are used as necessary; an interpreter is always present.