HC Deb 02 June 1924 vol 174 cc897-8W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty if he is aware that, owing to the reconditioning of His Majesty's Ship "Concord" when the wireless room had to be enlarged and other pneumatic pumps and motors had to be fitted, considerable alteration in the stowage of the men's kit lockers took place; that much of the space hitherto on the mess-decks has now been taken up by the fixing of gas-mask lockers for the crew; that, owing to these alterations and additions, many of the ships' companies' sleeping billets have been rendered useless and if arrangements could be made for all the crew to be provided with reasonable sleeping accommodation, prior to the ship leaving England for Malta?


As a result of experience in the late War, and the advent of new appliances which it is essential for ships to carry, it has been found necessary to increase the complements of His Majesty's ships. This has resulted in more restricted accommodation per head as compared with pre-War days. The question of accommodation in His Majesty's ships, for both officers and men, is at present receiving the serious consideration of the Admiralty, both as regards existing ships and future construction.