HC Deb 21 July 1924 vol 176 cc887-8W
Captain BOURNE

asked the Minister of Pensions whether his attention has

Ex-service men who applied before 1st Dec, 1920.* Ex-service men who applied after 1st Dec, 1920.* Civilians. Total.
No. Acreage required. No. Acreage required. No. Acreage required. No. Acreage required.
Approved applicants not yet provided with holdings. 4,792 69,107 1,324 19,218 4,325 70,948 10,441 159,273
Applicants waiting interview or standing over. 1,263 19,242 3,373 51,502 4,182 69,076 8,818 139,820
* NOTE.—Any ex-service men who desired to avail themselves of the preference given to such men over civilians under the Land Settlement Scheme were required to send in their applications before the 1st December 1920.

been drawn to the case of the late W. Jacobs, of 10, New Christchurch Buildings, Oxford, formerly private, No. 8,101, Rifle Brigade, and afterwards private, No. 48,612, Royal Defence Corps, who died on 7th June, 1924, aged 41, leaving a widow and five young children; whether he is aware that on 26th April, 1922, the late W. Jacobs was awarded a life pension for disabilities arising from and caused by active service; whether he will cause this case to be investigated with the view of ascertaining whether death in this case was due to or accelerated by such disabilities; and, if so, can he state if the widow will be granted a pension?


I understand that no claim has yet been made by the widow for pension in respect of the late soldier's death, which took place on the 7th instant. The widow has, however, been informed that if she wishes to make a claim she will receive assistance in preparing her case at the local office of the Ministry.

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