HC Deb 21 July 1924 vol 176 cc886-7W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty, if the 7,000 ratings and marines who completed time during the War and were retained as pensioners mobilised counted their War services as pensioners for additional pension under the improved scale at the close of hostilities?


The reply is in the affirmative, with the reservation that time subsequent to the 31st March, 1919, did not so count.


asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether the pre-War naval and marine pensioners who received temporary commissions during the great War were informed, prior to May, 1917, that they would not be entitled to the retired pay of commissioned rank; and the dates and nature of the orders which give these pre-War pensioned naval and marine officers the right to draw retired pay?


I assume that the word "not" is a misprint for "would." Pre-War naval and marine pensioners called out for service, and promoted by the Admiralty to temporary commissioned rank during the War, were first informed by Admiralty Fleet Order 1372, dated 1st July, 1916, that they would be allowed on reversion to the pension list to draw retired pay calculated on their service as officers in lieu of their man's pension. The authority under which the Fleet Order was issued is an Order in Council, dated the 30th November, 1915.