HC Deb 07 July 1924 vol 175 c1793W

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Treaty of October, 1920, between certain of the great Powers and Rumania in regard to the transfer of Bessarabia to Rumania has been ratified by the British Government; if so, when; whether, before such ratification took place, any communications passed between His Majesty's Government and the other great Powers concerned to ascertain their views as to the ratification; and whether any, and which, of them have ratified or have expressed any views as to ratification?


With regard to the first and fourth parts of this question, I would refer the hon. Member to my reply to the hon. and gallant Member for Central Hull (Lieut. - Commander Kenworthy) on the 2nd of June. The British ratification was deposited on the 14th of April, 1922, prior to which date the question of ratification by the signatories to the Treaty had been considered by the Conference of Ambassadors which recommended ratification.

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