HC Deb 17 January 1924 vol 169 c298W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport whether he is aware that overcrowding is still a feature on the underground railways of London; whether he can inform the House of the date the Ministry's inspectors last visited these railways; whether he will communicate the terms of his report to the House; whether he is aware that the underground railways of London make a practice of reducing the number of ears on the trains during the non-rush hours, with the result that the overcrowding is practically as great as in the rush hours; and whether he will introduce legislation compelling railway companies to provide seats for all persons who have paid their fares?


I am not able to accept the suggestion that London underground railways are as crowded during the non-rush hours as they are during the busy periods of the morning and evening, and my information is that the railway companies are doing what they can to reduce such overcrowding as still occurs at certain times. The matter is not one within the purview of the Inspecting Officers of Railways, but if the hon. Member has in mind any particular section of line on which avoidable overcrowding is frequent, I will have same inquiry made if I am furnished with the necessary details.