HC Deb 17 January 1924 vol 169 cc275-6W

asked the First Lord 01 the Admiralty whether, in view of the reduction in the age limit for the compulsory retirement of the greater number of branches of naval commissioned warrant and warrant officers, he will make the Regulation applicable to all in order that such branches as the naval cooks may secure a proportion of promotions to warrant rank similar to other branches and if he is aware that by maintaining the retired age at 55 years the naval cookery branches are handicapped in regard to promotion to warrant rank; that there are only 13 officer ranks all told in this branch; and that promotion is very slow?


Regulations have already been issued providing for the reduction of the age of compulsory retirement in the cookery and other warrant officer branches not affected by the retirement scheme of 1922, the reduction being made gradually so as to minimise as far as possible any hardship to officers already on the list. I am sending my hon. and gallant Friend a copy of the Order.