HC Deb 28 February 1924 vol 170 c713W
Viscount EDNAM

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department whether any applications have been received in his Department for the licensing, in the London area, of the motor cycle and side-car taxi-cab; why he has decided to refuse a licence to this type of vehicle; and whether he is aware that this type has been proved to be a great convenience in Birmingham and other provincial towns, particularly in those areas where traffic is most congested?


From time to time applications are received for the licensing of side-car taxi-cabs. The matter was thoroughly investigated at the beginning of 1921 by the Departmental Committee on the Taxation and Regulation of Road Vehicles, and in their Report of 6th January, 1921, they recommended that these vehicles should not be licensed for the London area. I have no further information to suggest that this recommendation should not continue to be followed, but if a new London Traffic Authority be constituted, the matter can be referred to it for consideration.