§ Mr. MURRELLasked the Minister of Health if his attention has been drawn to a statement recently made by Dr. Savage, county medical officer of health for Somerset, to the effect that tinned machine-skimmed milk is most injurious when used as a food for infants, for which purpose, owing to its cheapness, it is largely employed; if he is aware that Great Britain is practically the only country in the world which permits the importation of skimmed milk in tinned form; and if he will take steps to prohibit its importation and production, except for commercial purposes, in the interests of the general health of the community?
§ Mr. WHEATLEYMy attention has been drawn to the statement referred to. In reply to the latter part of the question I would refer the hon. Member to the reply which I gave to the hon. and gallant Member for the Maidstone Division (Commander Bellairs) on Monday last.