HC Deb 26 February 1924 vol 170 cc276-8W

asked the Secretary of State for War what price is being paid for the Deptford market by the War Office; how much of this market does he propose to use for War Office purposes; does he propose to let or sell the unused section of the market; and, if he proposes to let, when and where can traders make application for a lease?


asked (1) the Financial Secretary to the War Office if, with respect to the re-opening of the Deptford cattle market, he is now in a position to state the total acreage of the market and the acreage required by the War Office; and whether he is now prepared to accede to the public demand for the release of one-third to one-half of the acreage for the legitimate purposes for which the market was founded;

(2) the Minister of Labour if he has received a resolution from the London County Council embodying the re-opening of the Deptford cattle market as part of their relief scheme for absorbing the unemployed; and if he will examine the proposal from the point of view of employment, directly and indirectly, which is estimated to reach several thousands?


The purchase price is not yet arranged. The total area of the market is 27 acres, but I am not yet in a position to say whether all of it will be required for military purposes. I would, however, refer to my reply of the 19th instant, to the effect that on completion of the purchase I would give my best consideration to the question of releasing a part of the market. I am informed that the Ministry of Labour have not yet received any representations from the London County Council on the subject.


asked the Minister of Agriculture if he is prepared to take steps to meet the demand for a foreign cattle landing for the purpose of securing a fresh meat supply for London; and if he will also consider the demand for the re-opening of the Deptford Cattle Market?


The Ministry's function in connection with the provision of landing places for animals consists in satisfying itself that adequate arrangements are made to comply with the regulations under the Diseases of Animals Acts to prevent the introduction of disease from abroad. I may say, however, that the Ministry will put no obstacles in the way of the re-establishment of a landing place at Deptford if a satisfactory scheme is brought forward.