HC Deb 14 February 1924 vol 169 cc1024-5W

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that certain buglers of the Grenadier Guards were employed to sound the Last Post at Charing Cross on 30th January on the anniversary of the death of Charles the First; whether this was done with his authority; and, if so, whether he will give instructions for the performance of a similar ceremony on: 3rd September next to mark the anniversary of the death of Oliver Cromwell, the great Protector?


asked the Secretary of State for War if he will inform the House, by whose instructions buglers of the Grenadier Guards sounded the Last Post at the service held at the statue of Charles the First on 30th January last; and whether similar directions will be given to the Grenadier Guards on 3rd September, the anniversary of the death of Cromwell, the Lord Protector, at the Cromwell statue?

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

asked the Secretary of State for War by whose authority, at what charges, and by whose orders, the buglers of the 2nd battalion Grenadier Guards were instructed and permitted to take part in the service at the base of the statue of King Charles I, Trafalgar Square, on the 30th January?


I am aware of the incident, which was unauthorised, and due to a misunderstanding on the part of the regimental authorities. There will he no repetition of such an incident. I am not aware that any charges were incurred. The action of the regimental authorities had no political significance, but was due solely to a wish to give friendly help at what was understood to be a memorial service. I regret the mistake, but no importance need be attached to the matter.