HC Deb 05 August 1924 vol 176 cc2771-2W

asked the Minister of Pensions whether he has ascertained that F. C. Quinton, 7, Berkeley Terrace, Newbury, Berkshire, is still suffering from war disability and consequently has spent a large part of the past 12 months in hospital; and whether, in the circumstances, he will order a further inquiry into the case with a view to this man receiving adequate pension during the period of his admitted disability?


I have not yet been able to complete my inquiries into this case, but I will communicate with the hon. Member as soon as I am in a position to do so.


asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether he is aware that Private W. J. Evans, No. 3,905,447, South Wales Borderers, joined the Army in June, 1922, was examined by the War Office medical experts, certified to he in good health and fit for enlist- ment, was sent to India and there contracted a disease, and was discharged in February, 1924, and is now an inmate of Talgarth sanatorium; and on what grounds he declines to grant him a pension and disregard the decision of the Army medical advisers that he was in good health when he joined the Army and his pre-enlistment history being one of excellent health?


This man has been examined specially by the consulting physician to the British Army, and the considered opinion of the medical authorities is that the disability is not attributable to military service. I regret, therefore, that he is not eligible for pension.


asked the Minister of Pensions if he is aware that G. H. Boyes, of 25, Amberley Street, Sunderland, who was an in-patient of the Ministry of Pensions Hospital, Newcastle-on-Tyne, up to a few weeks ago, during which time shrapnel was extracted from his back, made an application for a pension in February of this year, and has not received any reply from the Ministry of Pensions to his application; and will he see that prompt attention is given to this case?


Arrangements have been made for the examination of this man by a special medical board in the light of the evidence as to the condition of the case which has been obtained as the result of the treatment given to him. The case will be dealt with as promptly as possible.