HC Deb 01 May 1923 vol 163 cc1201-2W

asked the Minister of Pensions if his attention has been called to the case of Patrick Connolly, No. 0,890, of 59, Red Row, Plean, Stirlingshire, Royal Scots Fusiliers; if he is aware that this man has 18 years' service, and was discharged in July, 1916, certified by the invaliding board as unfit for further military service; that the medical authorities at Bellahouston Military Hospital certified his disability as genuine on 9th June, 1922; that his family doctor certifies that he has been unable through rheumatism to follow his occupation for the past two years; and why this man has been refused a disability pension?

Captain CRAIG

This man is in receipt of a life pension of 8d. a day, granted in respect of service and disability. The last two medical boards which examined him found only slight disablement remaining from his accepted disability, myalgia, and the award made represents the most favourable compensation for which he is eligible. I may add that the award has recently been confirmed on appeal by the Assessment Tribunal as a final award.


asked the Minister of Pensions if he is aware that Private Fred Irgham, of 28, Inliet Street, Ashington, Northumberland, No. 16276, Northumberland Fusiliers, was suffering from rheumatism at the time of his discharge from the Army as not being likely to become an efficient soldier; that every year since his discharge this complaint has come back again; that he has been certified as unfit to follow his employment; and that Ingham has applied to have a P.A.T. for pension, but has been informed by the local war pensions committee that it is over the seven years' limit; and can this ex-service soldier have an appeal to the Appeal Tribunal?


It would appear that the man referred to was discharged in June, 1915, as not likely to become an efficient soldier. The Ministry have no knowledge of his subsequent medical history, but no claim to pension was apparently made by him before March of the present year, namely, seven years and nine months after his discharge. No appeal lies to the Appeal Tribunal in such a case.