HC Deb 29 March 1923 vol 162 cc731-2W

asked the Minister of Pensions whether he is aware that the mother of the late John Freeman, of H.M.S. "Newmarket," D.M.F. 6, was in receipt of a pension of 12s. 6d. per week; that that pension was granted for six years, which does not expire until July; that an application has been put in for an extension of the pension, with the result that the pension has been stopped although the six years have not fully run; what is the reason for the stoppage of payment of the pension; and is there any reason why the extension should not be granted??


I understand that the award in this case, which was made by the Admiralty in 1917, was for a limited amount which has been paid in full. am, however, looking into the case further and will communicate with my hon. Friend as soon as possible.


asked the Minister of Pensions whether he is aware that a Walsall ex-service man's widow with four children was refused pension on the grounds that her husband was first removed from duty more than seven years before his death, although the man served until 1919 and drew a pension until November, 1921, for the disability which was the primary cause of death and which was attributable to service; that the time for appealing for reinstatement of such pension had not expired when the man died; and that an ex-service man's dependent mother was also refused on the same grounds, although the son was actually receiving pension at the time of death and died from his pensionable disability; and whether he proposes to give any special consideration to these cases?


In the short time available, I have not been able to identify the cases to which the hon. Member refers. Perhaps he will let me have further particulars.