HC Deb 19 March 1923 vol 161 c2125W
Captain BENN

asked the Minister of Health if any estimates have been made of the number of men in each of the building trades required to erect any or each type of houses erected under the housing schemes; and, if so, what they are in respect of each trade, giving labourers separately?


Assuming that a non-parlour house will be erected with 2,000 hours labour—which is the present estimate—it is estimated that the provision of 10,000 of such houses in one year would require the following number of building operatives:

Bricklayers 1,688
Carpenters and joiners 1,660
Slaters 145
Plasterers 621
Plumbers and glaziers 322
Painters 606
Unskilled 3,611

Deductions from estimates of this kind must clearly be made with great caution.