HC Deb 09 March 1923 vol 161 c906W

asked the Minister of Pensions whether he has inquired into the stoppage of pension in case A/W 2,391 (Manchester), on the ground that the claimant has been living an immoral life; whether he is satisfied that she was given an opportunity to meet that charge; and, if not, if he will review the stoppage and continue payment of pension pending a decision?

Major TRYON:

The claimant has been afforded ample opportunity of explaining her position and the statements made by her have received careful consideration by the Special Grants Committee to whom the case was referred under Section 3 (1, f) of the Naval and Military War Pensions, etc., Act, 1915, as amended by Section 2 (3) of the Naval and Military War Pensions, etc. (Transfer of Powers) Act, 1917. I can see no ground for questioning the decision of the Committee in this case.