HC Deb 08 March 1923 vol 161 cc757-8W

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if his attention has been drawn to the ease of the wife of Mr. James Tomlinson, of 82, Hardshan Street, St. Helens, Lancashire, who is on the verge of 70, and who has been informed that, owing to the fact that her husband had succee4led during a working life of 40 years' hard work and thrift in saving £100, and who is also in receipt of a pension of 30s. per week from his employers, this fact will disqualify her from receiving the old age pension; if this is in accordance with the Regulations; and if he will give this case special consideration?


I have no information regarding this case, but am making inquiry. I would, however, remind the hon. Member that the question whether a person is entitled to an old age pension depends upon whether he fulfils the statutory conditions. Under the law the decision rests with the local pension committee, or with the Minister of Health if the decision of the committee is appealed against, and I have no power to interfere with such decision.