HC Deb 05 March 1923 vol 161 cc63-4W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department, as representing the Ministry of Health, whether he is aware that the Coventry Corporation are taking proceedings against tenants of their houses in Stoke Heath for non-payment of rent; that the arrears in rent are due to unemployment; that the guardians of Foleshill Union have refused to follow the example of the Coventry Guardians in granting sufficient outdoor relief to enable these unemployed people to pay their rent; and whether he will make representations to the Foleshill Guardians as to the advisability of granting outdoor relief to enable the tenants in question to avoid eviction from their homes?


My right hon. Friend is informed that the heavy arrears due to the corporation on this estate are not all due to unemployment and that the corporation have exercised great leniency and have no desire to-create hardship. My right hon. Friend is aware that the Foleshill Guardians do not, in granting relief, make any specific allowance towards the payment of rent, but he is not aware that the relief granted is inadequate to the needs of the persons relieved.

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