HC Deb 24 July 1923 vol 167 cc254-6W

asked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health if he is aware that the ex-service men at Saltburn, Invergordon, built a recreation club, which has been a great boon to the place; that it is held on a feu under perpetual feu charter, and that it is claimed to be situated within the boundary of the village; that, notwithstanding that, a local body of four, called the water trustees, have refused to grant a water supply to the club; and, as such a supply is a necessity to the club, and as resentment is caused locally by the action of the trustees, will he make inquiries into the supply of water to the village of Saltburn as a whole, and into the control and regulation of that supply, so that the health of the community may be safeguarded?

Captain ELLIOT

I am informed that the facts regarding the refusal to grant a water supply to the recreation club at Saltburn are as stated by the right hon. Member. The question at issue between the water trustees and the committee of the club does not appear to be one which my Noble Friend has juris- diction to decide. I am further informed that the village of Saltburn as a whole is well supplied with water, and that no application for the formation of a special water supply district has been made to the local authority. This aspect of the case does not appear, therefore, to call for the institution of any special inquiries.