HC Deb 23 July 1923 vol 167 cc58-9W

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he will consider the necessity of revising the Regulation applying to the transport of cattle, including horses, on railways, with the view of reducing the time horses and cattle shall remain without food and water to a maximum of 12 hours when they are travelling by rail or in the care of railway companies during transit?


The Regulation in question has been carefully reviewed from time to time by the Ministry in conjunction with the railway companies with a view to ascertaining whether it would be advisable or practicable to frame a new regulation on the lines suggested by the hon. Member. In the case of cattle and sheep, the enforcement of feeding and watering within a period of 12 hours would involve untrucking and retrucking with a consequent serious delay on many journeys, and under these circumstances it is considered that the comfort of the animals would be lessened rather than furthered by such a regulation. As regards horses, however, I understand that in practice they are watered and fed at more frequent intervals than the maximum period now prescribed, but if the hon. Member can produce evidence to the contrary, I will consider making regulations reducing the maximum period during which horses may remain without food and water.