HC Deb 23 July 1923 vol 167 cc43-4W

asked the Minister of Agriculture if it is proposed during the coming winter months to renew the grants for drainage work carried out to relieve unemployment?


The whole question of unemployment relief works for the coming winter, including those to which the hon. Member refers, is now under consideration by His Majesty's Government.

registered as unemployed in each of the local government areas of Surrey, excluding Croydon, on 31st December, 1922, and 30th June, 1923, respectively, and the percentage of unemployed males in the total number of male insured persons on both dates in each area?


The following table shows the number of men and women on the live registers of Employment Exchanges in the County of Surrey at the nearest available dates to those given in the question. It is not possible to give the figures for each local government area as these areas are not co-terminous with those of the Employment Exchanges.