HC Deb 19 July 1923 vol 166 c2510W

asked the Minister of Pensions whether, in all cases where a pensioner is recommended home treatment with allowances, the recommendation is referred to a Deputy-Commissioner of Medical Services; whether he has power to veto such recommendations; whether any record is kept of the number of cases where authority to pay allowances is refused; and, if so, will he give the number of men who were recommended home treatment with allowances but did not receive allowances in the three months ending 31st March?


Certificates given by Ministry Institutions and Clinics are not referred to a Deputy-Commissioner of Medical Services, but where the examination has been conducted by an out-station medical officer his recommendation is referred to a Deputy-Commissioner. The latter never disturbs a recommendation of allowances without personally seeing the man unless the examining medical officer agrees, on reconsideration of the case, that allowances are not admissible. I regret that the figures asked for are not available as no record is kept of these decisions other than in the man's personal file.