HC Deb 13 July 1923 vol 166 c1756W

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that the town sub-post office at Church Street, Kensington, has been placed in the charge of a counter clerk and telegraphist pending the appointment of a new sub-postmaster; whether he is aware that before the Post Office took over the direct responsibility two assistants were employed in addition to the sub-postmaster, and that since his Department has assumed direct control the counter clerk in charge has been instructed that he must manage with one; whether the pay of this girl is 22s. 6d. weekly; and, if so, whether he will cause inquiry to be made as to the circumstances which have led to the reduction in staff and to the payment of such a low wage for work of considerable responsibility?


I understand that the sub-postmaster took little personal part in the business of the office, and the force employed since it was placed in charge has, therefore, been practically equivalent to that employed before A third officer is, however, now in attendance, to meet a temporary increase of work. The wages of 22s. 6d. referred to were those paid by the sub-postmaster; and, as a new appointment will probably be made within a few days, it is not considered necessary to review them.