HC Deb 12 July 1923 vol 166 c1606W

asked the President of the Board of Education whether he is aware that of the eight elementary schools in Ramsgate six are non-provided; that not one of these six has adequate floor space, adequate sun or light, or adequate playing ground; that three are surrounded by tenement property, with all the consequent noise; that one is adjacent to a building yard, the noise from which makes teaching impossible; that in three the sun never shines in; that all the buildings are badly heated; that on many occasions last winter, when the teachers arrived in the morning, the temperature was as low as 42 degrees; that to get some of the rooms to the necessary temperature it was necessary to keep all the windows shut till noon; that in one building the children cannot read because of the light, and instead of the ordinary text books they have had to be provided with letters 2½ inches high to prevent permanent eye trouble; that in one infants' department, until recently, the only drinking water for 200 children was in a flask with a small cup to drink from; that one of the playgrounds is on such a steep incline that the children have been forbidden to play on it; that the classes in these schools average from 50 to 60 pupils, and more in some cases; and that the attention of the Ramsgate Education Committee has been repeatedly called to these conditions without effect; and whether he will make inquiries into the facts with a view to representations being made to the local authority?


I am aware that the conditions in these schools leave a great deal to be desired, though, on my present information, I am unable to accept all the statements in the question. I am making further inquiry into the matter.