HC Deb 02 August 1923 vol 167 c1744W

asked the President of the Board of Trade, the amount and value of timber of all kinds imported into this country from Latvia, Esthonia, and Lithuania during the six months ended 30th June; the corresponding figures for the imports from these States of the Russian Empire for the same period of 1913; and what steps the Government is taking to redevelop these sources of the timber which is so urgently required in this country?

Lieut.-Colonel BUCKLEY

The quantities and value of timber imported into the United Kingdom during the six months ended 30th June last, registered as consigned from the countries specified, were approximately as follow:

Consigned from Quantity Declared Value.
Latvia 287,400 1,153,123
Esthonia 59,000 253,951
Lithuania 21,800 133,605

From 1st April, 1923, the imports, if any, into the Irish Free State have not been included in the records. Corresponding figures for the same period of 1913 are not available. I am not aware of any steps that His Majesty's Government could take to increase these supplies.