HC Deb 25 April 1923 vol 163 c507W

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury to what extent the powers of Section 11 (1) of the Development and Road Improvement Act, 1909, which enable the Board to buy the land adjacent to the proposed road, have been used; how much land has been acquired; and if such land is still held by the Board?

Colonel ASHLEY

I have been asked to reply. The Road Board themselves did not at any time acquire land for the construction of roads. Since 1919 when the powers of the Board were transferred to the Minister of Transport, the Minister has himself acted as principal in the construction of certain of the arterial roads in Essex. In the case of the rest of the arterial roads now under construction in the neighbourhood of London the local authorities concerned are acting as principals. In the exercise of his own powers the Minister has had occasion to acquire small plots of land which have been severed by the new roads. About 10 acres of land have been so acquired, and the bulk of this property is still in the possession of the Department.