§ Mr. LEACHasked the Attorney-General if he is aware that great hardship 492W is being caused to judgment debtors by reason of executions being issued for instalments of a judgment debt and costs whereby the same goods are being seized over and over again, with consequent recurring costs of executions and possession fees; and if he will cause to be inserted in Order 25, Rules 8 and 10, of the County Court Rules, 1903 to 1914, instructions governing the granting of leave to issue execution for a less amount than the judgment debt and costs, and also governing the granting of leave to issue execution after two years have elapsed?
§ The ATTORNEY - GENERALThe answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. In reply to the latter part of the question, no complaints have been received of an abuse of the present procedure, and I am not, therefore, prepared to adopt the hon. Member's suggestion.