HC Deb 19 April 1923 vol 162 cc2296-7W
Sir W. de FRECE

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the composition and terms of reference to the new Lytton Committee of Inquiry which he is setting up; and when is he placing the announcement on the Order Paper of the House?


I hope that it may be possible to make an announcement as to the membership of the Committee within the next few days. I have fully considered the reference to the Committee in the light of the Debates that have taken place and the various questions that have been put to me on the subject and have come definitely to the conclusion that the needs of the case are amply met by the terms which I submitted to the House on the 12th April. They run as follows To inquire into the action taken throughout the Civil Service in consequence of the Report of the Committee, under the chairmanship of the Earl of Lytton, to consider the arrangements for the appointment of ex-service men to posts in the Civil Service, whether permanent or temporary, and to report to what extent practical effect has been given to the Committee's recommendations in the various Government Departments. To consider the recommendation in paragraph 43 of the Third Interim Report of the Committee regarding the initial rates of remuneration to be prescribed for successful candidates at the specially limited competitions for the clerical class, and to advise whether any and, if so, what modifications should be made in these rates. It will be an instruction to the Committee to give immediate consideration to the question of initial rates of remuneration, and to report thereon. With regard to the first part of the reference, it has been explained that it will be open to the Committee, if they find that difficulties have arisen in the application of the recommendations of the Lytton Committee, to suggest what amendments or modifications are desirable in order to give full effect to the policy of preferential treatment of ex-service men which the Lytton Committee recommended. The second part of the reference embraces not only the ex-service entrants to the clerical class whose case has been particularly under discussion, but all other entrants, non-service men and women, to this class. It embraces similarly all entrants by special limited competition to the various departmental clerical classes. It will, therefore, cover everyone in these classes who can be brought within the definition of the term "Lytton entrant." The Committee, as I have already explained to the House, will not be a Select Committee, and it will consequently be unnecessary to place any announcement on the Order Paper.