HC Deb 16 April 1923 vol 162 cc1718-9W

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office, (1) whether it is possible to announce the minimum strength that will be employed at Woolwich Arsenal; whether any further substantial discharges are now contemplated:

(2) whether he has been able to expedite naval and other work for Woolwich Arsenal with a view to avoiding any further redaction of personnel?


The present strength at the Woolwich factories is about 7,400, and sufficient orders have been allotted to the factories for naval and other work to avoid any substantial net reduction during the current year. It will, however, be necessary to effect certain rearrangements to suit the character of the work but as far as possible redundant men are being offered transfer as an alternative to discharge. As, however, this generally means offering semi-skilled work to skilled men, it is unlikely that many transfers can be arranged. The minimum establishment is at present put at about 6,600; but, while that figure is not expected to be operative in the current year, it is not possible to guarantee that the numbers will never in future fall below it.


asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office whether the Suggestions Committee at Woolwich Arsenal has been reconstituted; whether any workmen arc now included in its personnel; and what is the extent of the awards for suggestions in relation to improvements it is now empowered to make?


The Awards Committee of the Royal Ordnance Factories was reconstituted in 1922, and now includes representatives of the workmen. The Committee may itself authorise.awards not exceeding £15 in any one case, or £200 in annual total, or may forward eases for consideration of larger.awards by higher authority. Details are posted in the factories under Ordnance Factories Circular No. 265, a copy of which I am sending to the hon. Member for his information.

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