HC Deb 12 April 1923 vol 162 c1338W

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that Mr. David White, 84, West Main Street, Whit-burn, was refused unemployment benefit after having been dismissed by the manager of the Polkemet colliery, at Whitburn; that he applied to the Bath-gate Employment Exchange for leave to appeal and that the officials refused to give him an appeal form; and will he make inquiries into the matter?


I am making inquiries locally and will communicate the result to the hon. Member.


asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware that Mr. Frank Mullan, who was discharged from the steamship "Janeta," and who applied for unemployment benefit at the Bedford Street Employment Exchange, Glasgow, has been disqualified for a period of six weeks on the ground that the master of the vessel declined to report on his conduct during the voyage; whether it is the practice of the Department to disqualify seamen when they have beet actually discharged from a ship; and if any instructions have been issued to Employment Exchanges to this effect?


I am making inquiries locally, and will communicate the result to the hon. Member.