HC Deb 12 April 1923 vol 162 c1336W

asked the Under-Secretary to the Scottish Board of Health whether he is aware that 18 marine firemen were sent to prison for 21 days at the Glasgow J.P. Court on a charge of having left the s.s. "Assyria" on sailing day; that these men were unaware that they had signed articles for a reduction of £per month in wages, and that, having made the discovery on sailing day, they refused to proceed on the ground that they had not been properly informed; that no facilities were provided for legal defence, and that the men were informed by an official in court that as the charge was a trifling one it would be desirable for them to plead guilty; and if, in the circumstances, he will consult the Secretary for Scotland with a view to the men's release, or, alternatively, a remission of the sentence?

Captain ELLIOT

My Noble Friend has called for an early report on this ease, and will inform the hon. Member of his decision as soon as possible.