HC Deb 30 November 1922 vol 159 c911W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department what percentage of the total British exports and imports, respectively, passed through Black Sea ports during the year 1913 and during the last 12 months?

(a) Declared Value of Imports into the United Kingdom consigned from—
Dominion, etc. 1913. 1921.
£ £
Dominion of Canada 30,488,374 61,975,446
Dominion of Newfoundland 974,266 1,822,352
Union of South Africa 12,301,429 18,669,774
Commonwealth of Australia 38,065,250 68,069,954
Dominion of New Zealand 20,338,057 48,735,661
(b) Declared Value of Exports of United Kingdom Produce and Manufactures consigned to—
Dominion of Canada 23,794,935 19,458,990
Dominion of Newfoundland 880,632 330,660
Union of South Africa 22,184,818 29,812,470
Commonwealth of Australia 34,471,269 45,636,741
Dominion of New Zealand 10,837,987 14,889,289
(c) Declared Value of Re-exports of Foreign and Colonial Merchandise consigned to—
Dominion of Canada 3,512,258 2,068,917
Dominion of Newfoundland 114,667 45,894
Union of South Africa 1,860,864 1,205,973
Commonwealth of Australia 3,358,213 2,784,249
Dominion of New Zealand 951,876 580,093