HC Deb 27 November 1922 vol 159 c322W

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport whether an Inquiry was ordered by his Department into certain fares charged by the underground railways of London; if so when was the Inquiry ordered and commenced: has any Report yet been presented thereon; and, if so, the purport of the same?

Lieut.-Colonel ASHLEY

The Rates Advisory Committee was asked on the 27th July last to consider and advise the Minister what, if any, modification should be made ii; the fares charged under the provisions of the London Electric Railways (Fares, etc.) Act, 1920. The Committee advised on the 27th October that proposals made to them by the companies for the reduction of ordinary fares, with corresponding reductions in workmen's faros, might reasonably be accepted as sufficiently meeting the circumstances of the case at the present time, and that they should be brought into operation ore the 1st January next. The companies undertook to bring the reduced ordinary and workmen's fares in question into operation on that date, and, as the hon. Member is aware, they have advertised particulars of the reductions, which include reductions in certain season ticket rates. It has been arranged that the Committee shall present a further Report in final discharge of their reference in the course of the early months of next year.