HC Deb 30 May 1922 vol 154 cc1938-9W

asked the Postmaster-General if he has seen an announcement by the postal authorities in the Irish Free State that no alteration is to be made in their postal rates will he explain the relationship of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Irish Free State as regards postal matters: and will he specially indicate what amount of postage letters sent to the Irish Free State should bear?


I understand that the Irish Free State does not propose to reduce the present rates of postage. The control of postal affairs in Southern Ireland has been undertaken by the Irish Provisional Government, and the relationship between the British Post Office and the Irish Free State Post Office is on similar lines to that which obtains in the case of other independent administrations. The postage payable on a letter to Ireland from this country is the ordinary inland rate,i.e., ½Ad. for 1 oz., 2d. for 3 oz. and ½d. for every additional oz.

Estimated Expenditure or Local Education Authorities, 1922–23.
Local Education Authorities Revised Estimates for 1921–22. Assumed by Board of Education for 1922–23. Local Education Authorities Preliminary Estimates, 1922–23.
(1) (2) (3)
Elementary Education. £ £ £
Teachers' salaries 42,567,584 43,800,000 43,591,135
Loan charges 3,104,109 3,250,000 3,111,832
Administration and other expenditure* 13,213,303 12,000,000 11,785,106
Special services† 4,154,073 3,400,000 3,336,381‡
Total—Elementary 63,039,069 62,450,000 61,824,454
Higher Education.
Training of teachers 614,805 § 458,639
Secondary schools 5,720,129 § 5,408,876
Technical, etc. 4,069,520 § 3,786,526
Loan charges 689,623 § 738,928
Administration 673,884 § 670,283
Aid to students 1,345,764 § 1,638,781
Other expenditure 264,332 § 413,004
Total—Higher 13,378,057 13,000,000 13,115,037
Total—Elementary and Higher 76,417,126 75,450,000 74,939,491
* Other expenditure (Elementary Education) includes rent, rates, taxes, insurance, fuel, light, cleaning, caretakers' wages, stationery, repairs to buildings and furniture, capital outlay when charged to revenue, and miscellaneous charges.
† Special services (Elementary Education) include school medical services, provision of meals, special schools for defective children, organisation of physical training, evening play centres and nursery schools.
‡ This figure includes a sum considerably in excess of the limit of £300.000 for provision of. meals stated in paragraph 4 of Command Paper 1638. Full details are not yet available.
§ These items are included in the total of £13,000,000. A separate allocation has not been made.

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