§ Mr. E. EVANSasked the President of the Board of Education whether he can give any information as to the research which the University of London is conducting into the phonetic analysis of the languages of the British Empire; what results have so far been achieved; and whether he can take any steps to facilitate the extension of this branch of study?
Mr. YOUNGA Department of Phonetics is maintained at University College, London University and the details of the courses provided and the facilities for research work are set out in the University Calendar for 1921–22. Special research courses are provided in Urdu, Bengali, Singhalese, Cantonese, Arabic, Sechuana, and a number of other Asiatic and African languages of the British Empire. The investigations in some cases have revealed new and important points of grammar and meaning and some of the results have been published by the London University Press and the Manchester University Press. An annual grant of £2,000 is made from the Universities and Colleges Vote, specially earmarked in aid of this Department in addition to the block grant to the college. The School of Oriental Languages which is another grant-aided school of London University also offers a variety of facilities for phonetic research in Oriental languages and information as to these is given in the published report and prospectus of the school.