HC Deb 10 May 1922 vol 153 cc2205-6W

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (1) whether he is aware that a public meeting took place at Ghiza on 26th April; that this meeting was attended by members of the Wafd; and that the proceedings were orderly and peaceful; whether the policy of prohibiting such meetings under martial law will be reversed;

(2) whether he is aware that the authorities prohibited a meeting at Tanta on 21st April last, for which 2,000 invitations were sent out to princes, notables, and representative people, Egyptians and foreigners, irrespective of their political views, from all over Egypt; whether this was done in the name of martial law, for which His Majesty's Government is responsible; and, if so, will His Majesty's Government consider the abolition of martial law or advise the responsible British authorities in Egypt to put an end to such actions immediately?


With regard to the first question, I have no information as to what occurred at the meeting referred to by the hon. Member. As regards the last part of the question, the meetings at Shebin el Kom and Tanta, which the hon. Member probably has in mind, were prohibited by the Provincial Governors under instructions from the Egyptian Government. The last part of the hon. Member's second question does not therefore arise.

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