HC Deb 02 May 1922 vol 153 c1174W

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that ex-principal warder Thomas Williamson, Kilkenny Prison, was granted only 6s. 6d. weekly lodging allowance from 1st November, 1919, to 23rd November, 1920, as against the appropriate amount of 10s. 6d.; that Williamson's rent was over £1 weekly; and that, though he supplied the necessary documents in support of his claim, yet his appeals for redress were ignored; and whether his claim can be reconsidered?


The facts of this case are that warder Williamson applied for permission to relinquish a prison cottage and to live outside, and was permitted to exchange positions with another warder who was then living out and receiving a lodging allowance of 6s. 6d. a week. On his applying for the maximum allowance of 10s. 6d. per week on the ground that he was paying a rent of 20s. 6d. weekly, it was found that he could easily have obtained a suitable house at a smaller rent, and the Prisons Board accordingly decided that he should be paid the same lodging allowance, namely, 6s. 6d. a week as that previously paid to the warder with whom he had effected the exchange.