HC Deb 29 March 1922 vol 152 cc1358-9W

asked the Minister of Health whether, on 31st March, 1921, there was a sum of £2,900,000 due from local authorities and other purchasers for building materials supplied to them by the Ministry; what proportion of this sum, if any, is now outstanding; and what steps are being taken to recover it?


The amount due to the Department, on 31st March, 1921, for building materials supplied was as stated in the question in round figures £2,900,000. The local authorities concerned have running accounts with the Department for materials supplied, on which payments on account are made from time to time. The receipts for the current financial year will amount to some £6,600,000, and it is anticipated that the total sums due on 31st March will again amount to about £2,900,000. Certain items of the outstanding accounts are in dispute, but local authorities are being pressed to clear up these items, and it is hoped that final settlements will be made at an early date.

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