HC Deb 23 March 1922 vol 152 c700W

asked the Postmaster-General whether the town sub-office at 278, Blackfriars Road, S.E., which is a valuable sub-office, and should have been converted into a Crown office in accordance with the recommendations of a Select Committee of the House, has a vacancy in the sub-postmastership; whether it is proposed to remove the telegraph delivery from this office with a view to bringing the emoluments below the figure laid down by the Select Committee; and whether, in these circumstances, he will approve of the conversion taking place?


An appointment has now been made. The proposed withdrawal of telegraph delivery is in accordance with a general policy of concentration at present being carried out. It will not reduce the payments warranted below £500, but the requirements of the neighbourhood are met by a scale payment sub-office, and I see no sufficient reason for altering the status at present.

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