HC Deb 20 March 1922 vol 152 cc66-9W

asked the Secretary of State for India [on Tuesday, 14th March] in what respects, if any, the status of the officials in the Public Works Department has been altered or modified by recent administrative action; and, in particular, whether there has been any alteration in the terms of service as regards pay, pension, and promotion?


has now furnished the following particulars:

Technical pay is admissible to all Europe recruited engineers, whether Europeans or Indians.

Overseas pay is admissible only to officers of non-Indian domicile, except that Indians recruited in England under

Old Scale. New Scale.
Superintending Engineer: Rs. per month. Superintending Engineer: Rs. per month.
3rd Class 1,500 1st year 1,750
2nd Class 1,750 2nd year 1,850
1st Class 2,000 3rd year 1,950
4th year 2,050
5th year 2,150
Chief Engineer: Chief Engineer:
2nd Class 2,500 1st year 2,750
1st Class 2,750 2nd year 2,875
3rd year 3,000

Old Scale. New Scale.
Years of completed service Ordinary. Invalid. Years of completed service.
Rupees per ann. Rupees per ann.
Invalid Pension only. 10 1,000 2,000 10
11 1,400 2,200 11
12 1,800 2,400 12
13 2,200 2,600 13
14 2,600 2,800 14
15 3,000 3,000 15
16 3,200 16
17 3,400 17
18 3,600 18
19 3,800 19
20 4,000 4,000 4,000 20
21 4,200 21
22 4,400 22
23 4,600 23
24 4,800 24
25 5,000 5,000 6,000 25
26 5,200 5,200 26
27 5,400 5,400 27
28 5,600 5,600 28
29 5,800 5,800 29
30 6,000 6,000 30

Old Scale and Conditions. New Scale and Conditions. Additional Pensions.
Officers who have shown special energy and efficiency during an effective service of three years in certain appointments may, at the discretion of the Government of India, be allowed an additional pension of Rs. 1,000 20. The Government of India have classified certain high appointments into two grades, the lower comprising those posts which involve high but intermediate responsibility, the higher consisting of those which

the 10 per cent. rule up to and including the year 1924 will receive this pay. The question of the abolition of the arrangement under which 10 per cent. of the appointments made in England are allotted to Indians will be considered later.

a year, subject to the condition that the officer must not retire voluntarily before the completion of a total qualifying service of 28 years.

require a marked degree of independent administrative and professional capacity. Officers who have held appointments listed in the lower grade will be entitled to an additional pension at the rate of Rs. 300 per year for each completed year of effective service in any appointment included in that grade, provided that no officer may draw an additional pension in excess of Rs. 1,500 in respect of service classed in the lower grade. Officers who have held appointments listed in the upper grade will be entitled to an additional pension at the rate Rs. 500 for each completed year of effective service rendered in any appointment included in that grade, provided that no officer may draw an additional pension in excess of Rs. 2,500 in respect of service rendered in the lower and upper grades combined or in the upper grade alone.

21. These additional pensions will be awarded only to officers who have given proof of special energy and efficiency, and will be subject to the condition that an officer must not retire voluntarily before the age of 55 with less than 28 years' service.

The upper grade includes the Secretary to the Government of India, Public Works Department, the Inspector-General of Irrigation, Chief Engineers of the Indian Service of Engineers, Agents of State Railways (if in pensionable service), and Chief Engineers, Railways.

The lower grade includes Superintending Engineers, Indian Service of Engineers, Deputy Secretary to the Government of India, Public Works Department, Deputy Agents of State Railways (if in pensionable service), and the Secretary, Railway Board (if in pensionable service).

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