HC Deb 06 March 1922 vol 151 cc882-3W

asked the Chief Secretary what were the qualifications of Engineer-warder Newman that he was specially selected for transfer from Kilkenny to Belfast for urgent building work on 1st June, 1921; in view of the injuries that he had previously received in the discharge of his duty, why was he transferred for this heavy manual work; what were the reasons for Newman's two reductions in rank after his accident; what proposals have been made to compensate this officer for his injuries and loss of pay; what was the reason for placing this officer in the lowest-paid rank of the Irish Prison Service after he had given satisfactory service in a superior post for almost the entire period of his service; had Newman satisfactorily performed the duties of engineer from May, 1920, to July, 1921; if not, why was the annual increment granted to him; why has this officer's application for a sworn inquiry into his case been refused; and will steps be taken to hold such an inquiry before the prison staffs are handed over to the new Government in Ireland?


Warder Newman was accidentally injured in the discharge of his duty as tradesman warder and was, in consequence, pensioned from the Service in the year 1916. He did not suffer two reductions in rank after his accident, but was discharged on pension in consequence of that accident. In the following year he was taken back to the Prison Service, at his own request, as an ordinary warder, his physical condition having improved in the meantime. His service was approved from May, 1920, to June, 1921. In the general re-grading of the Service, which occurred at that time, it was considered that he was fit for the post of engineer warder, and he was so graded as from May, 1920. He was sent on temporary duty to Belfast in 1921, in the ordinary course, to assist in works which were being carried out there. Soon afterwards he was found medically unfit to carry out the duties of his trade, and the Board allowed him to revert to the lighter duties of an ordinary warder. The alternative would have been to retire him on pension.

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