HC Deb 01 March 1922 vol 151 c422W

asked the Home Secretary what is the salary and value of the emoluments attaching to the office of Commissioner of the City of London Police, who has jurisdiction over one square mile and 1,100 men under his command; what is the salary and emoluments of the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, who has jurisdiction over 116 square miles and 62,000 men under his command; is he aware that the present occupant of the former position is upwards of 72 years of age; that he draws a pension from the Liverpool Police and in six years will draw a pension from the City of London; and that, having regard to the fact that the Treasury pays half his salary, will the terms and conditions under which the position is at present held be now reviewed in the interests of economy?


The salary of the Commissioner of the City of London Police is £1,700 per annum, and that of the Commissioner of Metropolitan Police £3,000 per annum. Neither of them is receiving any bonus or other emoluments. The area of the Metropolitan Police District is 700 (not 116) square miles, and the total strength of the force is about 21,000 (not 62,000) men. Any question of the revision of the salary of the Commissioner of the City Police is a matter for the City authorities.